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"American College of Clinical Thermology - ACCT." American College of Clinical Thermology - ACCT. Web. 27 May 2014. <>.
"Compass." ZYTO. Web. 27 May 2014. <>.
Cosman, Paul. "Is All Light Therapy the Same?.” Print.
Cosman, Paul. “What are Neurotoxins?." Print.
"Lectro Chi Premier Energy Foot Spa." Lectro Chi Premier Energy Foot Spa. Web. 27 May 2014. <>.
"Orthotics | Custom Orthotics |" Orthotics | Custom Orthotics | Web. 27 May 2014. <>.
"Thermography - Meditherm." Thermography - Meditherm. Web. 27 May 2014. <>.
Web. 27 May 2014. <>.
"Welcome to Meditherm Clinic Online." Welcome to Meditherm Clinic Online. Web. 27 May 2014. <>.
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